Listen Event
A method is provided in Blade to help developers to listen to some of the lifecycles of an application’s runtime. For example, the creation and destruction of Session
, after the application is started, and so on.
The supported event types are as follows:
public enum EventType {
SERVER_STARTING, // server ready to start
SERVER_STARTED, // server started successfully
SERVER_STOPPING, // when the server is ready to stop
SERVER_STOPPED, // server stopped (normal exit)
SESSION_CREATED, // when the create a session
SESSION_DESTROY, // when the destory a session
ENVIRONMENT_CHANGED // when the configuration file changes
How to use it? very simple, just call the event
method of Blade
, generally we write at startup.
.on(EventType.SESSION_CREATED, e -> {
Session session = (Session) e.attribute("session");
// do something
}).start(Application.class, args);